
Products tagged with 'sexual harassment training'

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Bystander Intervention Training [Chicago Illinois]

This Bystander Intervention Training [Chicago Illinois] online training course is designed for all employees. In its most recent iteration of sexual harassment prevention laws, the City of Chicago has made it mandatory for all employees to go through 1-hour of bystander intervention training as part of its harassment prevention laws. This training mandate—implemented at a city-level, is the first of its kind. By taking this training, not only will you ensure that you’re compliant with the latest laws in Chicago, but you will also equip yourself and/or your employees with safe ways to intervene if they witness sexual harassment. You will encourage the creation of safe spaces, which will in turn will foster a healthy workplace culture. A healthy workplace culture is critical for any organization that wants to retain and grow their talent pool.

Entrenamiento de intervención de espectadores [Chicago Illinois]

Este curso de formación en línea Entrenamiento de intervención de espectadores [Chicago Illinois] está diseñado para todos los empleados. En su más reciente iteración de las leyes de prevención del acoso sexual, la ciudad de Chicago ha hecho obligatorio para todos los empleados a ir a través de 1 hora de formación de intervención espectador como parte de sus leyes de prevención del acoso. Este mandato de formación -implementado a nivel municipal- es el primero de este tipo. Con esta formación, no sólo te asegurarás de que cumples las últimas leyes de Chicago, sino que también te equiparás a ti mismo y/o a tus empleados con formas seguras de intervenir si son testigos de acoso sexual. Fomentará la creación de espacios seguros, lo que a su vez fomentará una cultura saludable en el lugar de trabajo. Una cultura saludable en el lugar de trabajo es fundamental para cualquier organización que quiera retener y hacer crecer su reserva de talento.

Harassment Prevention Training [Australia]

This Harassment Prevention online training course for Australia is designed to inform employers, managers, supervisors, and employees of their legal obligations and their roles in ensuring a harassment-free workplace. In this course we discuss the laws that govern discrimination and harassment; define these behaviours; and outline the obligations of employers and employees.

Harassment Prevention Training [Connecticut]

This Harassment Prevention Training [Connecticut] online training course is designed for all Connecticut employers and employees (including supervisors). Sexual harassment and other forms of illegal discrimination are damaging to organizations, employees, and society at large. This training will give employers, supervisors, and employees in Connecticut a greater understanding of harassment and illegal discrimination, how they can be prevented, and the processes to follow when a complaint is made.

Harassment Prevention Training for Employees [California] (SB1343)

This Harassment Prevention Training for Employees [California] (SB1343) online training course is designed for all employees in California. Sexual harassment and other forms of illegal discrimination are damaging to organizations, employees, and society at large. This training will give employees in California a greater understanding of harassment and illegal discrimination, how they can be prevented, and the processes to follow when a complaint is made.

Harassment Prevention Training for Employees [Chicago Illinois]

This Harassment Prevention Training for Employees [Chicago Illinois] online training course is designed for all employees in Chicago. Municipal laws concerning harassment, especially sexual harassment prevention, in the City of Chicago are more stringent than Federal and Illinois laws. As an employee working in Chicago, an understanding of the Chicago Human Rights Ordinance will benefit you greatly. This course will also give you an understanding of how to prevent harassment, what to do in case you’re a victim of harassment, who is liable and what remedies are available to you.

Harassment Prevention Training for Employees [US]

This Harassment Prevention Training for Employees [US] online training course is designed for all employees in the US. Sexual harassment and other forms of illegal discrimination are damaging to organizations, employees, and society at large. This training will give employees a greater understanding of harassment and illegal discrimination, how they can be prevented, and processes to follow when a complaint is made.

Harassment Prevention Training for Supervisors [California] (AB1825)

This Harassment Prevention Training for Supervisors [California] (AB1825) online training course is designed for supervisory employees and employers in California. Sexual harassment and other forms of illegal discrimination are damaging to organizations, employees, and society at large. This training will give employers and supervisors in California a greater understanding of harassment and illegal discrimination, how they can be prevented, and the processes to follow when a complaint is made.

Harassment Prevention Training for Supervisors [Chicago Illinois]

This Harassment Prevention Training for Supervisors [Chicago Illinois] online training course is designed for supervisors, managerial-level employees, and employers in Chicago, Illinois. Harassment and illegal discrimination are not only based on sex. They can manifest in nuanced ways and this training will create awareness around abusive conduct that can lead to cases of harassment, illegal discrimination, and even retaliation and how to prevent them.

Harassment Prevention Training for Supervisors [US]

This Harassment Prevention Training for Supervisors [US] online training course is designed for all supervisory employees and employers in the US. Sexual harassment and other forms of illegal discrimination are damaging to organizations, employees, and society at large. This training will give employers and supervisors a greater understanding of harassment and illegal discrimination, how they can be prevented, and the processes to follow when a complaint is made.

Harassment, Discrimination and Workplace Violence Prevention Training [Canada]

This Harassment, Discrimination and Workplace Violence Prevention Training online training course is designed for Canadian employers and employees. Every work environment should be supportive of the productivity, dignity, and self-esteem of every employee. This means ensuring that your work environment is free from harassment, discrimination, and violence. This course will help you understand your role and responsibilities in ensuring a healthy workplace.

Prevención del acoso para empleados [Chicago Illinois]

Este curso de formación en línea sobre Prevención del acoso para empleados [Chicago Illinois] está diseñado para todos los empleados de Chicago. Las leyes municipales relativas al acoso, especialmente la prevención del acoso sexual, en la ciudad de Chicago son más estrictas que las leyes federales y de Illinois. Como empleado que trabaja en Chicago, la comprensión de la Ordenanza de Derechos Humanos de Chicago le beneficiará enormemente. Este curso también le permitirá comprender cómo prevenir el acoso, qué hacer en caso de ser víctima de acoso, quién es responsable y qué recursos tiene a su disposición.

Prevención del acoso para supervisores [Chicago Illinois]

Este curso de formación en línea sobre Prevención del acoso para supervisores [Chicago Illinois] está diseñado para supervisores, empleados de nivel gerencial y empleadores en Chicago, Illinois. El acoso y la discriminación ilegal no sólo se basan en el sexo. Pueden manifestarse en formas matizadas y esta formación creará conciencia en torno a la conducta abusiva que puede conducir a casos de acoso, discriminación ilegal, e incluso represalias y cómo prevenirlos.

Prévention de la discrimination, du harcèlement et de la violence au travail dans la juridiction fédérale canadienne

Ce cours de formation en ligne Prévention de la discrimination, du harcèlement et de la violence au travail dans la juridiction fédérale canadienne a été conçu pour les employeurs, les gestionnaires, les superviseurs et les employés des organisations sous réglementation fédérale. Dans ce cours, nous examinerons leurs obligations légales et de leurs rôles pour assurer un lieu de travail respectueux, exempt de discrimination, de harcèlement et de violence. Nous définirons ces comportements, discuterons des obligations légales des employeurs et des employés et décrirons les responsabilités des employeurs et des employés afin de promouvoir un milieu de travail sécuritaire et respectueux.

Workplace Discrimination, Harassment and Violence Prevention in the Canadian Federal Jurisdiction

This Workplace Discrimination, Harassment and Violence Prevention in the Canadian Federal Jurisdiction online training course is designed for employers, managers, supervisors and employees in federally regulated organizations. In this course, we will examine their legal obligations and their roles in ensuring a respectful workplace that is free from discrimination, harassment and violence. We will define these behaviours, discuss employers’ and employees’ legal obligations; and outline the responsibilities of employers and employees to promote a safe and respectful workplace.