Problem Solving: The 5 Steps
This Problem Solving: The 5 Steps online training course will define and explain the five steps involved in the problem-solving process. The five steps that will help solve any workplace dispute include defining the situation, providing a quick fix if necessary, identifying the root causes, taking corrective action, and evaluating and following up.
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This online Problem Solving: The 5 Steps training course will define and explain the five steps involved in the problem-solving process. The five steps that will help solve any workplace dispute include defining the situation, providing a quick fix if necessary, identifying the root causes, taking corrective action, and evaluating and following up.
Solving problems requires a systematic method for defining the undesirable situation, then identifying and eliminating the root causes to prevent the problem from recurring.
Once you have compiled a problem list, you need to reach a clear understanding of each problem. Often the temptation is to act first and think later—a "ready-fire-aim" approach at the first problem on the horizon. Trying to solve problems without fully understanding them frequently makes the situation worse.
The purpose of this course is to learn how to define an undesirable situation so that you can better explain it to others and begin gathering information for problem solving. Ultimately, your aim is to eradicate the problem.
Course Learning Objectives
By taking this online Problem Solving: The 5 Steps course, the user will learn to:
- Recognize workplace problems.
- Define a problem situation.
- Analyze the quick fix or temporary fix solution.
- Identify the root causes of a problem.
- Describe what corrective action is and how to accomplish it.
- Explain how to evaluate problem-solving efforts and follow-up.
Course Outline
This online Problem Solving: The 5 Steps course is made up of the following sections:
- Workplace problem solving
- Define the situation
- Assess and fix the problem
- Identify root causes
- Take corrective action
Course Audience
This Problem Solving: The 5 Steps online training course was designed for employees and supervisors.
If you have any concerns as to whether this course is appropriate for you or your industry, please browse our full selection of online courses.